Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Knotorial 14 - The Northern Spikes (Bracelet)

This pattern is called 'The Northern Spikes', because there are already many designs with 'teeth' in their name.

It's a flat weave that requires much cord from one color. I prefer three colors for this design.

Tightening it can be tricky for the first time, but you just have to know the spots to pull on, to get a nice result.

Used (boiled) paracord for:
~19,5cm (~7.6 in.) bracelet

~260cm (~8.5 ft.) charcoal grey
~ 75cm (~2.5 ft.) red
~ 75cm (~2.5 ft.) white

The 260cm cord already includes 20cm additional cord to cover wrist measure and buckle attachment.

This 19,5cm bracelet is a tight fit to my 17,5cm wrist.

The beginning is the same as in Knotorial 13, this weave can be done on a jig.

The red and white cord are just molten together.

Jump to Step 09 if you just want to see the technique - the beginning is slightly different to arrange the cords.

Step 01:

Turn the bracelet to the backside.

Use the short left cord and form an S.

Pull the end between the core cords, then lay it over the left core cord.

Step 02:

Lay the long left cord over both core cords, then behind them.

Step 03:

Pull the end from the long left cord back through the upper loop from the S...

...pull it all the way through the loop.
Step 04:

Tighten the loops and knots.

I recommend to hold the core cords and pull on the long end.

To tighten the S, pull on the lower loop then on the end.

 Step 05:

Repeat the steps on the other side, by forming an S with the short right cord.
 Step 06:

Lay the long right cord over both core cords, then behind them.
 Step 07:

Pull the end from the long right cord back through the upper loop from the S...
 ...and pull it all the way through the loop.
 Step 08:

Tighten the loops and knots.
Step 09:

Form an S with the short left cord.

Step 10:

Pull the long left end through the upper loop from the S.

Step 11:

Lay the long left end over both core cords, then behind them.

Step 12:

Pull the long left end back through the upper loop from the S...

...pull it all the way through the loop.
Step 13:

Tighten the loops and knots.

 Step 14:

Repeat the steps on the other side by forming an S.
 Step 15:

Pull the long right end through the upper loop from the S.
 Step 16:

Lay the long right strand over both core cords, then behind them.
 Step 17:

Pull the long right end back through the upper loop from the S...
 ...pull the end all the way through the loop.
 Step 18:

Tighten the loops and knots.
Repeat Step 09 - Step 18 to continue the pattern until you almost reached the end of the bracelet.
 Step 19:

To finish the bracelet, turn it to the backside and form a simple loop by pulling one end (from the core color) first over the core cords, then behind them.
 Step 20:

Form another loop on the other side...
 ...and tighten the loops.
 Step 21:

Cut and singe the ends.
The finished bracelet.
 Hopefully you enjoyed tying the Northen Spikes bracelet.

Feel free to leave feedback or pictures of your results. Happy knotting !


  1. thank you for the great designs. its nice to see actually new designs. instead of variations of known designs. I love all that you have published. not too complicated that one would not want to attempt the work, and yet not too simple that one would be bored with it. I am happy to learn your designs, and I tell all that I know about you. keep em coming, and thank you

    1. Thank you very much Mike ! I've took pictures of more designs, but the tutorials are not written yet, I'll add them soon. Thanks for the kind words, I'm always glad to see people enjoy this blog.

  2. Fantastic, beautiful design. Please let me know whom do I give credit to when I post this design in FB and Instagram. Ma Lu, Cloud Empire or Rawk's Knotorials.

    1. Hey Avijit, thank you very much for the kind words!
      If you would credit to Rawk's Knotorials, that would be very nice.
      I'm glad that you enjoyed my tutorial, keep on knotting and have a nice day!

    2. Thank you very much. I made a awesome piece. Planning to make all of them.

  3. very confusing design. You weave from the top and the real design is from the bottom. Not a good tut.

    1. Read step 1: turn the bracelet to the backside.......


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