Friday, May 23, 2014

Knotorial 10 - Anubis Scepter (Bracelet)

This design was discovered while playing with the 'Bell Curve Knot'.

When I look at it, there come two things to my mind - hieroglyphics or overrun squirrels.

But I like animals so it's just called 'Anubis Scepter'.

Used (boiled) paracord for:
~19cm (~7.5 in.) bracelet

~125cm (~4.1 ft.) black
~155cm (~5.1 ft.) tan 499

It's a thick weave and this 19cm bracelet didn't fit my 17,5cm wrist.

To prevent the bracelet from shrinking, I recommend to put the cords in boiling hot water for a few minutes.

Step 01:

Start with a buckle connected with two colors.

Knotorial 01 shows how you can attach the cords.

The longest cord should stay in the middle.

I used a small buckle since it's a thick but slim weave.
 Step 02:

The weave is tied on the frontside.

Use the right outer cord to form a loop around the right inner cord, first over then behind it.
 Step 03:

Use the inner cord and form a 'Bell Curve' behind the outer cord.
 Step 04:

Pull the 'Bell Curve' through the loop from the outer cord as shown in the picture.
 Step 05:

Pull the end from the left inner cord through the 'Bell Curve'.
 Step 06:

Pull the left inner cord all the way through the 'Bell Curve'
Step 07:

Tighten the loops and knots firmly.

 Step 08:

Repeat the steps on the other side by forming a loop with the left outer cord, then form the 'Bell Curve' with the left inner cord behind it.
 Step 09:

Pull the 'Bell Curve' through the loop.
 Step 10:

Pull the end from the right inner cord through the 'Bell Curve'.
 Step 11:

Pull the right inner cord all the way through the 'Bell Curve'.
Step 12:

Tighten the loops and knots firmly to get a result as shown in the picture.

 Well done !

Repeat Step 02 - Step 12 to continue the pattern until you reached the desired bracelet length.

Remember to make the bracelet slightly longer, since it's a thick weave.
Step 13:

To finish the bracelet use the right outer cord and form a loop around both inner strands, first behind then over them.

Step 14:

Form a second loop around the inner strands using the outer left cord, first behind then over them.

Step 15:

Pull the inner cords through the frontside of the buckle.

Step 16:

Turn the bracelet to the backside and pull the inner cords through the loops formed in Step 13 and Step 14.

Step 17:

Tighten the loops firmly, pull on the ends while holding the buckle.

Step 18:

Cut and singe the ends.

 The finished bracelet.
I hope you enjoyed tying 'Anubis Scepter'.

Feel free to leave feedback or post pictures of your results.

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