Sunday, October 26, 2014

Knotorial 15 - Buckle Attachment (Double Cow Hitch)

This short Knotorial shows a way to get double Cow Hitches on both sides of the buckle with just one cord.

It gives the bracelet a fine look on the latch.

 Step 01:

Start with a loop through the backside of the buckle.
 Step 02:

Pull both ends through the loop to get a Cow Hitch that points to the backside.
 Step 03:

Pull the left end through the backside of the buckle and leave a small loop.
 Step 04:

Pull the left end through the small loop.
 Step 05:

Repeat the steps on the other side by pulling the right end through the backside of the buckle and leave a small loop.
 Step 06:

Pull the right end through
the small loop to form the
second Cow Hitch.
Step 07:

Continue with the other part of the buckle and pull both ends through the frontside.

Step 08:

Lay the left and right end over their own strands, as shown in the picture.

Step 09:

Pull the left end through the backside of the buckle, it will form a loop.

Step 10:

Pull the left end through the loop.

Step 11:

Pull the right end through the backside of the buckle to form another loop.

Step 12:

Pull the right end through the loop.

 Step 13:

To finish the technique, tighten all Cow Hitches until you reached the desired bracelet length.
That's it !

The red and yellow cord are molten together.

Pull the two-color cord through the Cow Hitches to get a result as shown in the picture.

It's a nice way to start a three-color Static Cloud bracelet, for example.